If you wish to leave feedback on any of the stories, on the website itself or if you have any questions related to anything contained here, contact the author by email.

The Star Eagle Adventures is based upon 'STAR TREK' created by Gene Roddenberry.

'STAR TREK®' and related marks are trademarks of CBS Studios, Inc.
The Star Eagle Adventures is not affiliated in any way with CBS, Inc.
The CBS Logo is a Registered Trademark of CBS, Inc.

This web site and all stories and images herein are intended for entertainment purposes only.
The author has no commercial intentions.

Many images on this web site are not original creations. Credits to the individual artists is given but if you find a picture that belongs to you and you are not properly credited or you do not wish for it to appear on this site, please email right away and proper credit will be added/the image will be removed.

All stories contained on this web site are the property of the author and may not be duplicated without the author's expressed permission. By downloading the story files you agree that you will not alter the stories in any way, distribute them for monetary gain, or publish them without the author's expressed permission.

The stories contained on this web site are works of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

SEAcom 4.0 - JULY 2014




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Welcome to the home of The Star Eagle Adventures, a fan fiction series based on Star Trek which chronicles the voyages of the starship U.S.S. Eagle and its courageous crew under the command of Captain Michael T. Owens.

Eagle was launched in 2371, roughly the same year as Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 3, Star Trek: Voyager Season 1 and the feature film Star Trek: Generations. However, this series features mostly original characters.

September 7, 2019

  1. -State of Entanglement, the second book in the Quantum Divergence trilogy is now posting at the TrekBBS and at Ad Astra

Find the full update log here.

Read the feature-length Star Eagle Adventures novels in this section as well as the Eagle Vignette Series (EVS). Reading the stories in chronological order is recommended but each novel is a fully stand-alone story and can be read independently from the rest. The novels are generally between 100,000 and 180,000 words long and are available as PDF files or as ePub or Kindle-ready .mobi ebooks.

This section features short stories and novelettes and is divided into four subsections. The Lower Deck Tales is a collection of short stories and novelettes featuring Eagle’s junior officers and enlisted personnel in their own adventures. Star Eagle Shorts contains short stories with more familiar faces. Visit Other Trek Shorts for short stories with no direct connection to The Star Eagle Adventures. Or go to the Anthologies section to download or print the Short Story Anthologies, containing all of the above stories in convenient ebook format.

The Database features full crew profiles on all the senior officers of the starship Eagle as well as a complete story chronology for the Star Eagle Adventures. Or dig deeper into Eagle’s technical specifications, deck plan, crew statistics or visit the Star Trek: Expanded Universe wiki entry on the series.

The Star Eagle Adventures is part of the United Trek shared Star Trek universe which is made up of dozens of stories by various authors. Visit the story archive at UnitedTrek.org to access a large number of great fan fiction stories as PDF files or follow the links to the Ad Astra Fan Fiction archive or to the TrekBBS.

Visit the United Trek Forum to learn more about United Trek or to leave feedback on any Star Eagle Adventures or United Trek story.

Discover a cyberpunk inspired Star Trek fan fiction novel from the writer of The Star Eagle Adventures in this section, ready to be downloaded as a PDF, epub or Kindle ebook.